PAU Recruitment 2018: Post of Senior Research Fellow

Applications are invited by PAU Ludhiana for one post of Senior Research Fellow @ Rs.28,000/– p.m. plus 20% HRA provided in the Scheme “Development & Optimisation of Fresh Produce Supply chain and Storage Systems” CSS-68 (PC-6258) with the following qualifications.


  1. B.E. /B. Tech. with minimum OGPA of 2.00/4.00, OCPA 5.5/10.00 or 50% marks.
  2. M.Tech. in Processing & Food Engineering/Post Harvest Engineering Technology or equivalent with minimum OGPA of 3.40/4.00 or OCPA 6.50/10.00 basis or 65% marks.

The amount of first full month of fellowship payable to the Senior Research Fellow will be kept as security with the University and it will be paid to him/her as and when he/she leaves the fellowship after giving the requisite one month’s notice or deposit the amount of one month fellowship.

The engagement will purely be on temporary basis for a period up to six months from the date of appointment. Eligible candidate may apply on the prescribed Performa giving full particulars support by attested copies of certificates/Degree/ Testimonials by 12th September, 2018 upto 10:00 A.M. and appear for interview on 13th September, 2018 at 10:30 A.M. in the office of the undersigned. No separate information for interview will be sent. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.


The application form for the above said post may be obtain from the office of the undersigned by submitting a bank draft of Rs.200/- issued in the favour of Comptroller, PAU, Ludhiana.

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