Psssb going to conduct Competitive exam for the post of Computer Operator on 30-09-2018 Syllabus for Computer Operator as below ;
Introduction to Computers :
Evolution and Generation of Computers, Types of Computer , Organization of Computer system, Hardware, Software, Peripheral Devices, Algorithm, Flowchart and Number System.
Operating System
Introduction to Operating Systems, Main Functions and characteristics of Operating Systems, Types of Operating Systems, Virtual Memory , Cache Memory, Windows and Unix Operating system
Database Management System :
Data organization, File Management System, Database Concepts, Relational Data Model and Basic Concept of Database, DDL, DML. Popular Database Management System- with SQL.
Office Tools:
Word Processing Tools, Electronic spreadsheets, Electronic presentation tools. Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point), Open Office
Computer Networks:
Types of networks, Network topology, Transmission Modes, security issues, LAN, MAN, WAN, Repeaters, Bridges, Routers, Gateways, TCP/IP ,FTP and Telnet
Working with internet, uses of internet, Intranet and Extranet, Search Engines, e-mail, e-commerce, e-banking, Website and domain names, http, https.
Web Technologies
Introduction to Website, Layouts & Composition, Static and Dynamic Website, Client Side & Sever Side Scripting, Web Standards. Web Structures & Templates: Website Basic Structures, Web designing tools: Adobe Dreamweaver, Flash, Introduction to HTML, Basic Structure of HTML, Head Section & Meta Tags. HTML Basic Tags: Heading Tags, Structure Elements, Frame, Forms: Input Element & its various Types, Uploading Files & Hidden Fields, Creating Submit & Reset Buttons, Creating User Login & Signup Forms, Creating Register Forms using Form Elements.
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