UPSC Union Public Service Commission has released the result of Indian Economic Service/Indian Statistical Services today. Exam was held on 29th July 2018 at various centers all over India
Interested candidates can check their result by clicking on given link below.
On the basis of the result of the written part of the Indian Economic Service/Indian Statistical Service Examination 2018 held by the U.P.S.C. in June/July, 2018, the candidates with the under mentioned Roll Numbers have qualified for Interview/Personality Test.
Click Here For Result File
In accordance with the Rules of Examination, all these candidates are required
to fill up the Detailed Application Form (D.A.F.), which will be made available on
the Commission’s Website i.e. http;//; from 28/09/2018 to 11/10/2018 till 06:00 PM. Important instructions regarding filling up of the DAF
and submitting the same ONLINE to the Commission will also be made available on
the website.
The candidates who have been declared successful have to first get themselves registered on the relevant page of the Commission’s website before filling up the ONLINE Detailed Application Form and submit the same ONLINE along with uploading of the scanned copies of relevant certificates/documents in support of their eligibility, claim for reservation etc. The qualified candidates are further advised to refer to the Rules of the Indian Economic Service/ Indian Statistical Service Examination 2018 published in the e-gazette of India, dated 21.03.2018.
The mark-sheet of candidates who have not qualified, will be uploaded on the
Commission’s website after the publication of final result (after conducting
Personality Test) and will remain available on the website for a period of 60 days.
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